A few years back I posted a few of these.....
Thought it might be time for another.
At the link, you can download a zip file of a tune of mine you can mix.
Happy All Alone zip file..... Included in that zip file are four examples of a static fader/pan only mix..using LUNA. 84 Bpm. Key of G#
One is nothing added
Next same but with ATR 102 tape emulation
Next ATR 102 and API SUMMING
This way you can hear the mix with the differing options on it...
All the individual tracks are included... as well as a midi file for the drums (this way you can use your preferred virtual instrument).
The file is only 605MB.
It has drums, bass, vocal, acoustic guitar, ganjo, backing vocals
The tracks are as tracked through my Apollo X8. I use LUNA.
Drums are EZdrummer 3, singer songwriter EZX.... I included the EZD3 project file for those who have it. These are played in on my TD17 e kit...
Bass is Fender squire jazz bass into Apollo Unison Preamp using the Neve 1073 preamp emulation
Acoustic guitar is my Taylor 327 mic'd with Townsend Labs Sphere into Apollo Unison Preamp using the Neve 1073 preamp emulation
Ganjo (6 string banjo) mic'd with Townsend Labs Sphere into Apollo Unison Preamp using the UA 610 preamp emulation.
Vocal is me into U87i into Apollo using the Neve 1084 unison preamp
Backing vocals are Neumann KM84 into Apollo preamp no unison..just vanilla Apollo preamp
The sphere mic'd guitars are not using any of the software... its just as the mic sounds... recorded in fig 8 (That's why its stereo) it records the outputs of both capsules..
How I do the summing
I create busses... Drums, bass, acoustic guitars, vocals, harms and Mix buss.....and route the appropriate tracks to those.
Then those busses have the NEVE or API Summing Extensions on them...the TAPE is inserted on the Mix Bus, post fader like I am bouncing down to it.
Please post your mixes up so I/we can hear them...
Would love to hear some mixes using outboard, consoles, your favourite plug ins... etc
Replace the parts if you want as well... as long as you don't use the tune for commercial reasons I have no problem what so ever....
If you don't want to post your stuff publicly...at least send me a link so I can hear them.... 8)